In the early 2000s, a young Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg embarked on a journey that would change the digital landscape forever. Armed with a vision of connecting people across the globe, he created Facebook , a social networking platform that would redefine communication, relationships, and even the way we perceive privacy. 1. The Birth of Facebook Harvard Connection to Thefacebook: In February 2004, Zuckerberg, along with his college roommates, launched a website called “Thefacebook” . Initially restricted to Harvard University students, it allowed them to create profiles, connect with classmates, and share information. The platform quickly gained popularity, expanding to other Ivy League universities and eventually opening its doors to the general public. Features That Shaped Facebook: Profiles : Users could create personal profiles, upload photos, and share their interests. News Feed : Introduced in 2006, the News Feed displayed updates from friends and pages. Status...