How "or" / "||" operator works in C++/Cpp ? Does it check all the conditions or it stops as soon as it encounters a condition that is true?
In C++, the || (logical OR) operator performs short-circuit evaluation . This means that it evaluates conditions from left to right and stops as soon as it encounters a condition that is true . If the left-hand side condition is true , the right-hand side condition is not checked because, for an OR operation, only one true operand is sufficient to yield true . # include < iostream > using namespace std ; bool checkA () { cout << " Checking A \n "; return true ; } bool checkB () { cout << " Checking B \n "; return false ; } int main () { if ( checkA () || checkB ()) { cout << " Result is true \n "; } return 0 ; } Output: Checking A Result is true # include < iostream > using namespace std ; bool checkA () { cout << " Checking A \n "; return false ; } bool checkB () { ...